Conversion Rate Optimization With Delightful UI/UX

How to Improve Your Website’s Conversion Rate?

Here are our top 7 UI & UX recommendations to convert more of your users into paying customers:

Pick Up Your Page Speed

Your website’s loading speed is a huge factor in your conversion rate. In fact, according to a study by Akamai, if your site loads slower than the rest of your competitors’, you can lose up to 70% of potential customers.

Use Google PageSpeed Insights to check how fast (or slow) your website loads and optimize accordingly. For some specific tips on how to do that, you can check out our article on reducing your website’s carbon footprint with SEO.

Make Your CTAs Stand Out

Your call to action buttons are there for a reason: to get users to click on them. If your CTA is not clear, your visitors will get confused and may leave the page without clicking on it. Make sure that your CTA is easy to spot, visible, and easy to understand.

Here are 3 major tips on making your CTAs stand out:

Use a contrasting color for the CTA button (don’t use a color similar to the background)
Make the CTA text descriptive and specific
Include a relevant microcopy
We give some additional pro tips on microcopy in our article on UX writing.

Enhance Your Lead Forms

Lead forms are one of the most important resources on your website. If your lead form isn’t intuitive, chances are that visitors won’t complete it. Lead forms are also a great source of information for you to use in your marketing campaigns, so make sure they look professional and work perfectly.

Here are some tips on making your lead forms better:

Include information on what will happen after filling out the form
Make important fields required (to avoid users leaving them empty)
Merge ‘First’ and ‘Last Name’ form fields into one to reduce frustration
Use placeholders to guide the user on what should they type in, e.g:

Enable browsers auto-fill
Use action-oriented text on the CTA button
Add a privacy policy and a microcopy explaining exactly how you are going to use this information, e.g:

Use the Help of a Chatbot

Chatbots are great because they can answer a lot of the questions that users might have, and they can do so in real-time.

55% of businesses* that use chatbots go on to generate more high-quality leads. Chatbots bring:

Better ROI
By using a chatbot you can automatically prequalify leads and save your sales team’s time and efforts.

More leads
Because chatbots are timely and easy to interact with.

Important context
When your sales team gets a prequalified lead from your chatbot, they will already have valuable information for them. This makes the chances of closing the deal higher.

Customers are much more likely to spend more than they had planned when their experience is personalized. Here are some more benefits:

Bots can help you identify people’s interests, likes, and dislikes and give them more engagement, which leads to a higher conversion rate.
Chatbots surveys can help you engage customers by asking them to share their experience with different products and their preferences.
Marketers use the right content at the right time to move leads further down the funnel. Chatbots can segment your audience by using the answers they provide about preferences and interests.
What are the crucial questions for a great chatbot experience? You can learn more about how to build a conversational marketing strategy.

Build Attractive Pricing Pages

Pricing pages with attention to detail and your target persona can drastically improve your conversion rate. They are effective because they make visitors feel like you know them and understand their needs.

We have a whole article on building pricing pages for SaaS, but here are our top 2 best practices:

Align pricing options with personas

Make use of the anchoring effect
The anchoring effect describes people’s bias to rely on the first information presented to them. In this case the “Recommender” tag. You can have a look at more physiological hacks for your pricing pages.

Use Human Faces in Visuals

We found that visuals with human faces increase conversion rates. The reason why this works is that people are wired to respond to facial expressions and emotions.

Here are some pro tips when using human faces for CRO:

Have human faces looking towards the CTA
Include photos evoking positive emotion
Make sure to depict your buyer persona
Avoid stock imagery
A/B test illustrations vs people, because each case can be different

Be Minimalistic With Fonts

Too many font sizes create a feeling of confusion and asymmetry. Narrow them down to a few to please the eye of the user. The same applies to too many different alignments.

You can do a quick check with Chrome Dev Tools (CTRL + Shift + I on the keyboard when using a Chrome browser) and the CSS Overview feature.

Grow Your Business With UX/UI and CRO

It’s not just about customer experience, it’s about delivering a GREAT one. When you hone the UX/UI principles, you can make your website intuitive and easy to navigate. Remove the ‘obstacles’ from your webpage, then just watch your conversion rates grow.

Digital transformation has accelerated its speed. See the top graphic trends in 2022 that rule the business space.

Author: Yoanna Antova – Content Team Lead & Vesselina Levkova – Content Strategist & Copywriter

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