Microsynt Ecogenics GmbH Switzerland | ecogenics.ch

Company Overview

Headquarter ecogenics

Microsynth ecogenics provides comprehensive molecular marker development, and at the same time related services such as genotyping. Our goal is satisfied customers who retain confidence in our products and services in the long run. With most of our customers (research institutes and private companies worldwide) we have recurring projects or long-lasting collaborations.

Microsynth ecogenics proudly looks back onto 14 years experience of serving customers in various fields of molecular biology. Founded as a spin-off company from the University of Zurich, Microsynth ecogenics successfully managed to establish a good reputation as a reliable partner providing high quality services.

Since 2011 Microsynth ecogenics GmbH is part of Microsynth AG.

Please feel free to contact us with any project or problem from the field of molecular biology. We would be very happy to discuss how we can provide a solution for your individual requirements and to provide information on conditions and pricing.



It is Microsynth’s mission to be a leading service and solution provider for molecular biologists who require either high-quality DNA/RNA oligonucleotides, robust DNA/RNA sequencing & analysis solutions, or want to outsource entire research projects.




Development of SSRs

The combination of next generation sequencing with a validated in-house bioinformatics pipeline to mine for promising marker candidates allows straight-forward microsatellite (Simple Sequence Repeats, SSR) marker development. The approach can be applied for any species and allows the identification of SSR markers within a short time span of 2 months. ecogenics delivers well-characterized markers and provides you with all the information needed to publish the markers in a primer note or in a public database.
A typical workflow for the development of SSRs is shown in the figure below. Please note that our modular development process allows various entry and output options. Whether you wish to outsource the entire development of SSRs or only parts of it, is up to you to decide.

Conservation Genetic Methods

Genetic methods provide new insights into the biology of species as well as the spatial and temporal structure of populations and will therefore challenge nature conservation management.
Any conservation genetics study is initiated by research questions defined by experts in nature conservation management. Depending on the question, conservation genetics provide a broad variety of methodologies which will in turn define the experimental layout, the statistical analysis of the data and the recommendations for practice. All these steps such as sample collection, genetic laboratory analyses, statistical evaluations, interpretation and conclusions, must be carefully planned for each project. Focus on the practical aspects in nature conservation and let Ecogenics run the complete laboratory part including marker development, if needed, and the genotyping of samples. Moreover, we can help you define the sampling scheme for your study and help analyze and interpret the data derived from the study.

Sample Requirements

Buffer Recommendations 
DNA: 10 mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.5 – 8.5)
DNA Quantification
DNA quantification is recommended to be done by a fluorometric method, e.g. PicoGreen®, RiboGreen®, Qubit® etc.
Required Sample Amounts
Type of Service Amount
Generation of SSR-enriched sequence data Per species one sample > 50 µl clean, non-degraded genomic DNA with a concentration of >20 ng/µl (= 1 µg)
Guaranteed polymorphic SSR markers 15 non-related individuals of the same species. Per sample 200 µl DNA with a concentration of >5 ng/µl (= 1 µg)
Polymorphy testing, 48 loci 7 non-related individuals of the same species. Per sample 200 µl DNA with a concentration of >5 ng/µl (= 1 µg)
Genotyping by SSRs Per sample >30 µl DNA with a concentration of >5 ng/µl (= 150 ng)
Genotyping by Sequencing Pilot 5 – 10 clean, high molecular weight genomic DNA samples. Per sample > 30 µl DNA with a concentration of >50 ng/µl (= 1.5 µg)
Genotyping by Sequencing Batch Per sample > 30 µl clean, high molecular weight genomic DNA with a concentration of >50 ng/µl (= 1.5 µg)
DNA Isolation plant and animal tissue samples 10 – 20mg tissue per sample
DNA Isolation environmental samples please inquire directly with us

Sample naming: Please use short, unique names without special characters. If bioinformatics analysis is desired we use the names as is for the provided tables and figures.

DNA Quality Control
ecogenics performs quality controls prior to further sequencing steps. However, we do recommend that you also check your DNA on a gel or on the Bioanalyzer. If you do so, please provide us with the gel picture or trace file as well.


ecogenics GmbH
Schützenstrasse 15
9436 Balgach
Fax: +41 71 722 87 58
Web: www.ecogenics.ch
ecogenics GmbH · Schützenstrasse 15 · 9436 Balgach · Switzerland
Phone +41 71 726 15 55 · Fax +41 71 722 87 58 · info@ecogenics.ch

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