Start Your Trademark Now
Over 3,000 U.S. Trademarks Registered.
JPG Legal is a law firm specializing in U.S. trademark conflict-checking and registration. We’re the law firm of record for over 3,000 successful U.S. trademark registrations. Our affordable, flat-fee packages can be purchased online by clients based anywhere in the world.
JPG Legal and its attorneys have been profiled on USA Today, CNBC, CNN Money, NPR’s Morning Edition, WIRED, MSNBC, Forbes, the New York Daily News, HLN, The Hollywood Reporter, CNN Politics, DCist, ABA Journal,, CNET,, NBC News, Refinery29, the Globe and Mail, and several other news sources.
Have additional questions?
- Check out the Frequently Asked Questions below.
- If you want us to take over a trademark application that you’ve already filed, go here instead.
- Call us at (917) 268-7054. Se habla español.
- If your question isn’t answered in our FAQ below, email us at
Frequently Asked Questions
*For new trademark applications, JPG Legal charges a flat filing fee of $350 per class on top of our package fees. Government filing fees for range from $250 to $350 per class. The $250 application type requires more precision and effort than the $350 application type, so in situations where JPG Legal uses the $250 application type, the remaining $100 is used to cover labor as well as payment processing fees. Occasionally the USPTO will charge a $100 penalty fee if a $250 application does not meet all of the requirements for the lower fee, which is also covered by the $350 filing fee paid by the client.
Recent Legal
Blog Posts
Amazon Brand Registry Now Accepts Pending Trademark Applications
For a couple of years now, we’ve had to tell clients that Amazon only accepts fully registered trademarks for their Brand Registry program, meaning a wait time of 8 to 12 months before you can get US Brand Registry access, because that’s how long it takes to get a trademark registration in the United States (if everything goes smoothly).
This is no longer the case. Over the past month or so, dozens of our clients have gotten Amazon Brand Registry access within a week of filing their trademark applications. At first, earlier in the year, it seemed like Amazon was just making exceptions for sellers of essential pandemic supplies like masks, hand sanitizer, disposable gloves. But at some point, they opened the gate for everybody else as well, because we’ve seen all kinds of Amazon sellers get instant Brand Registry Access recently.
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Recession Business Good, Sticky Business Better
The last few months have confirmed something that I’ve thought for years, but could never be totally sure of until now: JPG Legal is a recession business. We’re the budget brand that people buy at the supermarket when their preferred brands start to seem extravagant. More and more small and mid-sized businesses are digging deeper for savings and ditching their conventional attorneys for our lower fees and transparent pricing.
Last year my goal was to finish 2019 with over $1 million in revenue, a number we hit in mid-December. This year we passed $1 million in mid-July, on track to finish 2020 at about $1.9 million. Less than two years ago this firm was just my solo practice, and now there are about to be six of us: me, three attorneys, a paralegal, and a legal assistant who will start here in August. Following a brief revenue dip in March when the global business ecosystem was adapting to changing conditions, our monthly revenue has continued its upward trend.
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Our March 2020 Weekly Revenue Numbers Show When Businesses Started Freaking out Around the World
It’s been about five or six weeks since the COVID-19 pandemic suddenly started having a large impact on businesses in the U.S. and the rest of the world. JPG Legal’s clientele is about 50% U.S.-based and 50% international, representing virtually every industry, so our revenue serves as a sort of microcosm of the global economy.
Our monthly gross revenue for March ended up at $123,538, down from February’s record monthly revenue of $143,478. But when March is broken down into two halves, the numbers are much scarier.
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The New USPTO Rule: What Do Foreign Trademark Applicants Need to Do With Their Existing Trademarks?
Earlier this summer, the USPTO announced a new rule requiring that all foreign-domiciled trademark applicants and registrants must be represented by an attorney with a U.S. bar license. This rule applies to any applicant “whose permanent legal residence or principal place of business is outside the United States.”
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Why We Raised Some of Our Fees
Things are going well here at JPG Legal, objectively. We will close out the year at about $1,000,000 in gross revenue, up from $709,000 in 2018 and $227,000 in 2017. Originally just my solo practice until September 2018, JPG Legal is now a team of four that includes me, two associate attorneys, and one paralegal.
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The Future Of The Trademark Services Business Model
The two primary trademarking models — both the traditional law firm model and the no-frills online “legal service provider” model — are rackets. Conventional lawyers are bad at client acquisition, so they tend to exploit the clients they do manage to get, billing as many hours to them as they can.
In reality, it simply doesn’t take much time to perform due diligence on trademarks, or to file trademark applications. However, on the other end, there are also all of these cheap, no-frills online service providers who don’t seem to be bound by any ethical obligations and who mislead people about their likelihood of success or the hidden back-end costs of their trademark applications. I’m trying to bridge that gap with my firm.
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Is It Illegal To Trademark a President’s Name?
A client asked me to research this recently. One of her investors insisted there was a special rule against trademarking a president’s name. I told my client I was fairly certain that this wasn’t true, but if she really wanted to be sure, I could spend about thirty minutes researching it at my hourly rate. She said she considered it worth following up on and gave me the green light.
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163 23rd Street, Ground Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11232
(917) 268-7054
JPG Legal LLC New York City .All Rights Reserved
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